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Movement Class: Body-Oriented Psychotherapy

  • SALIG Masnedøgade 20, 2.sal København Ø (kort)

Mindfulness-Centered, Trauma Informed, Transpersonal and Humanistic 

A movement class focuses on free and spontaneous movement, anchoring us in the present moment and in what is real and alive within us.

These classes emphasize the importance of listening to our inner voice and authority, guiding us to tune into our unique selves.

They explore the energy dynamics in the body, recognizing that stuck patterns and emotions are forms of energy seeking balance and completion.

When we consciously and spontaneously move, we open our flow. We move beyond old patterns and allow ourselves to become an authentic expression of our soul. …

Denne workshop faciliteres af Lana Kunstek som lejer lokaler hos SALIG.

Du er velkommen til at kontakte hende direkte, hvis du har spørgsmål til workshoppen:

52 52 35 65

9. april

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